About Me

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He goes by a few names: Rob which is short for Robert, and Bobbie which is also short for Robert but curiously has the same number of letters. His beard is entirely his own hair and is coarse in texture like a rough-hewn hessian sack. He eats bread straight from the bag. Like a duck.

Thursday 11 February 2010

The Return

I just reactivated my blog and it's all the fault of my sinuses.

From behind a mountain of mucus-damp tissues and empty lemsip wrappers, I re-emerge, to begin my exodus from the discomfort of the material universe and all the pain relief medication that entails. Back to blogosphere! (or blogsphere, or blogdom, Blogsville USA or whatever trendy buzzword the mainstream press has used to label the online blogging community this week).

A cursory glance at my blogging history (or blogistory, or blegacy) indicates that my previous blogging entries have long since been taken down. This is a shame as I was hoping my witless ramblings would be archived for posterity, so cyborg kiddies decades from now could one day read those few screeds of irrelevant nonsense and be mildly amused. I would be a footnote on a page of the great iTome of blogging mediocrity (a large work.. with many volumes..).

Sadly not to be. I just don't think the Powers That Be were ready for my controversial opinions on the architecture of the Brighton pavilion, and the entry I wrote regarding pendulous ballbags in loose-fitting boxer shorts was just too hot for The Man to handle..

Luckily this also means I can repost many of the jokes or observations I've made in earlier entries since they are backed up on my computer.

Ahhhh self-plagiarism... it's good to be back..


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